
GLAAD blocks Logo and Here!

GLAAD, the The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, hands out awards every year for representation and depiction of G&L characters in the American media.

But now they are banning gay cable networks Logo and Here! from entering their Awards.

Why? Because they’re gay.

Just as it prevents queer mags like The Advocate and Out from entering, it has now decreed that the two cable networks are alternative media, when its objective is to promote and reward queer roles in the mainstream media.

It reckons it would be unfair for mainstream media to compete against networks that feature G&L characters 24 / 7.

What a ludicrous situation has arisen. Maybe they would be happier of Logo and Here! disappeared so America could have more mainstream media with the occasional space for gay characters?

All things are not equal in media. After all the commercial networks have much bigger budgets to produce their shows than cable. That’s never been a consideration, either.

2 Responses

  1. Sorry to disagree here but … I don’t see why the Gay Cable Networks would want to get Awards from GLAAD for simply doing what they are there for = making Gay TV. Surely they won’t portray us negatively? I think that the Alliance is there to encourage a positive portrayal and support the efforts and characters in the minstream media, that is what they are fighting for, and not in our own community … that seems pointless to me. However, I agree that their reasoning about “competing” with G&L TV networks is rediculous.

  2. I hope Oscar Nunez wins a GLAAD award for The Office. It’s funny how the gay character is the most normal well-functioning person on that show.

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