
America to remake Being Human

The Syfy Channel will remake the British series that features a ghost, a vampire and a werewolf.

bhAnother week, another remake…

This time the Syfy Channel in the US (you remember them, right?) is to remake BBC’s Being Human.

The series, based on housemates who are a ghost, a vampire and a werewolf, aired this year on ABC2 in Australia.

Syfy president Dave Howe said. “We’ve always been keen on vampires and werewolves, and we loved the originality of Being Human, the fact that the fantastical creatures in it are very young, accessible and charming.”

Part of the reason the channel switched names from SciFi to Syfy was the very reason to redefine perceptions of the genre.

Howe stressed that Syfy is not going to “slavishly replicate the British version.”

The original series already airs in the U.S. on BBC America.

A second series will air in the UK next year with eight episodes.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

11 Responses

  1. ‘we loved the originality of Being Human’…
    than why the hell can’t you be original and create your own show!
    i like a good remake (the US office is one of my favourite shows) but this is getting ridiculous-seriously the risk now has to be not gaining an audience because people are over remakes rather than risking a new idea….

  2. I’m with Paul on this one…why not just air the original? I love Being Human (thank you David for bringing it to my attention), any word when Season 2 will air on ABC2?

  3. “we loved the originality of Being Human”.

    And by re-making it, you retain that “originality” do you oh wondrous “SyFy”? Why not just try to acquire the rights to the UK version? It’s damn near perfect.

    Of course, I readily admit that my own moral outrage will not prevent me from watching the US version or at least the first couple of episodes until I satisfy my curiosity and am assured that it is the piece of crap that I expect it to be.

  4. ffs, this is ridiculous. I could (vaguely) understand if the original show was in a different language (though frankly, most people are smart enough to be able to read, and I don’t see why subtitles make a show unappealing to the low-brow majority) but it’s in *English*!

    Are Americans seriously that stupid that they can’t handle UK accents? And they weren’t strange northern accents in Being Human, either.

  5. I liked the british show, I’ll probably like the american one too if given the chance to watch it, but what is with all these remakes? the writers aren’t secretly back on strike are they?

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