
Ash clouds Eurovision planning

The ash cloud from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano is already impacting on preparations for the Eurovision Song Contest.

While Europe is effectively grounded because of the ash cloud from Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano, it’s already impacting on preparations for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Ahead of the event in Norway in late May, film crews from Host Broadcaster NRK are filming the famous Eurovision “Postcards” -clips that accompany each musical act on the big night.

This year, the Postcards will feature cheering fans in each nation’s capital. But now that air traffic has been suspended in over ten European countries, the team has had to come up with some creative schedule changes.

Video crews which would normally fly from city to city are already resorting to busses, trains and boats.

Next on their itinerary are London, Dublin … and Iceland.

Source: Eurovision.tv

7 Responses

  1. The pronunciation was a topic on The 7pm Project on Friday night, with the UK correspondent sharing the BBC’s pronunciation guidelines with Carrie Bicmore.

  2. Has anyone heard any tv newsreaders attempt to pronounce Eyjafjallajokull volcano?

    I heard it on the radio this morning and it was f@#&ing impressive!

  3. Huh, I thought it was something serious! Those postcards are not essential to the show, at all. I just hope this year’s hosts have lots of cheesy jokes though.

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