
“Victory of the Daleks”: sneak peek

For its third season episode, Doctor Who will see the legendary Daleks return, slamdunked into World War II with Winston Churchill.

Episode Three of the new Doctor Who series airs this weekend in the UK -and he is in the firing line of the Daleks.

“Victory of the Daleks” sees the legendary race of mutants return, slamdunked into World War II with Winston Churchill (but of course).

The line “I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks” was the first line fans heard the Eleventh Doctor say – fans taped it during filming and spread it around the net.

This clip is a mix of scenes and interviews. It will air in Australia on May 2nd. Can the Daleks defeat the Logies?

7 Responses

  1. It’s funny that line was delivered in a totally different way in the voice grab we heard – I for one was a little concerned but hearing it here it is perfect (he has an amazing voice anyway his lower register is very sexy!!). I think Mark Gattiss may have outdone himself with this ep!!! Can’t wait for midnight tomorrow night to finally see the first episode on an Australian format – iview!!

  2. The whole voice clips I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks, really got a lot of fans in an uproar as to how Smith said that line, some fans based their opinion on that line. How wrong they were. I reckon this episode will go down in Who history as one of the best.

    The Daleks will exterminate the logies.

    David, thank you for keeping fans in the know. You do a lot more then the traditional media, they seem to care more about reality and the big drama. God forbid they should actually mention Doctor Who, when it isn’t a big deal, like David’s last episode or the new series. My local paper the Newcastle Herald run a small article about The Eleventh Hour and basically spoiled it for those who haven’t seen it, thankfully, nothing like that happened here.

  3. The Daleks and Cybermen episodes of the 2005-2009 era have been the biggest let down for me with the exception of “dalek” in season 1. maybe the 2 part stories were too drawn out. I’m looking forward to this one. I bet Steven Moffat will be trying to address all of the shortcomings of the last few years.

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