
The Gruen Transfer: Aug 24

This week Gruen asks how to market condoms on on late night TV, the internet and in magazines.

Joining Wil Anderson on The Gruen Transfer this week are Todd Sampson (Leo Burnett), Russel Howcroft (GPYR), Dee Madigan (Socket) and their first Brisbane panellist, freelance copywriter Kate Hunter.

Condoms. One in ten of us will buy a condom this year. Given the tricky subject matter, you don’t see a lot of advertising for them, but it is there on late night TV, the internet and in magazines. A generation ago, they were sold using disease and fear of death. Now it’s all about pleasure…

Neuromarketing. Advertisers are now using brain mapping technology to test the effectiveness of their work. Research can show which elements of an ad are going into memory and which are not. But is there a danger that the advance of this technology might uncover a way to make ads that route around our conscious mind, ads that we can’t resist?

The Pitch:
This week’s challenge is twitter-sourced, coming from Hari Sundaresan from Victoria. In that state, police now have the power to issue spot fines for swearing. Hari asked to see a campaign to convince Australians that naughty words should be banned everywhere. We obliged him. Creative’s Co-Op Vs Meerkats.

9pm Wednesday on ABC1.

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