
Hot Boys on sale

"We've got the hots for the boys on the box" says a new TV mag hitting the shelves from today.

A new TV mag hits the stands today, the rather self-explanatory Hot Boys of TV, published by Seven Media’s Pacific Magazines.

Shamelessly admitting “We’ve got the hots for the boys on the box” it’s cover features the three ‘Rivers Boys’ from Home and Away, shirtless and grimacing.

In addition to its ‘Pashworthy MegaPoster” the mag is promising “Over 50 Hotties.” Enough to fill any bedroom wall. There are also interviews, but somehow I suspect it’s unlikely to be selling out for its in-depth articles.

Edited by Kate Fox, it appears to have risen from the ashes of long-running mag TV Hits.

After TV Week sought to move away from being perceived as a soap magazine, maybe there is room for a mag filled with abs and dimples again?

19 Responses

  1. Seems to have a very limited range. What do they do for the next issue, or whenever they start running out of Hot Boys? The same publicity shots of the same Over 50 Hotties but with a different background photoshopped in?

  2. This cover is a joke.Why Not use the Men/Boy from Two and a Half Men instead or the Geeks from Big Bang Theory instead.If I was a female I would rather look at the sight of Jon Cryer and Ashton Kutcher and Angus Jones instead of those Thug like River Boys(They are half the reason for me switching over to American Sitcoms at 7pm)

  3. @J Bar I believe the plan was just to put more focus on non-soap content, not get ride of it. Soap covers sell, so they were never going to get rid of them.

  4. Interesting that TV Week’s plans to not be perceived as a soap magazine didn’t last very long. In the past few weeks they have gone back to running Home & Away actors on the cover every second week.

  5. This is sexual exploitation at its worst. Scantily clad blokes lines up in some sort of cattle market….terrible……now where’s my copy of Zoo!

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