
The perils of live broadcasts

A Live Seven News bulletin from Federation Square seemed like a good idea at the time -especially to a mob of protesters.

Spare a thought for Peter Mitchell, Seven’s Melbourne news presenter who forged on with a Live bulletin from Federation Square last night over the protests of an angry mob.

Updates: The protesters were venting their anger at top cop Ken Lay, who was interviewed, but as they kept up their howls Mitch ploughed on with his news items.

“I’ve never been so happy to cross to Sport (in the studio)” he said.

You can see the video here.

4 Responses

  1. I did see him say that. In much less detail that what you said and it was rather dismissive. He just said the name of the agreement and not why they were against it in any way. It was a real shame. But then nothing on the 6pm news bulletins counts as real news any more.

  2. Peter said prior to weather that the crowd was protesting at TPPA (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) which is currently negotiated in secret between 9 countries, including Australia, NZ and the US. According to various websites expressing concern at TPPA, it is feared that if the agreement is signed and ratified, it will give too much power to multinational corporations as they can influence government policies in more ways than one.

  3. They absolutely wasted the opportunity. They should have used the protestors, got them on camera to be interviewed, to explain what was going on! Had I been the producer on, or even the reporter, I would have quickly googled the issue and got them on in the second segment. Wasted opportunity. It would have made for good tv.

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