
Happy Festivus!

Video: Happy Festivus, December 23 is the date made famous in an episode of Seinfeld.

Happy Festivus, December 23.

Yes today is the date made famous in an episode of Seinfeld, the alternative to Christmas which has become too commercialised.

It was George’s dad Frank Costanza (Jerry Stiller) who celebrated “Festivus for the rest of us” with a family followed by the Airing of Grievances and the Feats of Strength.

It was a Seinfeld writer Daniel O’Keefe, whose own father created the occasion, who co-wrote the episode.

Since its inclusion in Seinfeld, Festivus has gone on to become celebrated by many, many more…

The family dinner starts at around 2:20 (and no that’s not Jack Black).

9 Responses

  1. Festivus? So that’s what it’s called. I only ever knew it as the day we moved from Sydney to Canberra in 1970 and left behind four TV stations to suffer one second-rate commercial station which opened at 12 midday and closed at 11PM.

    Say what you want about Bob Hawke, but the fact he couldn’t watch the AFL at The Lodge meant that those of us in regional Australia finally enjoyed the same TV viewing as those in the major capital cities.

  2. I’ve been following “Modern Seinfeld” on Twitter… lots of potential storylines should Seinfeld be in production today… and one of them suggested that Frank Costanza decided that Festivus has become too mainstream so he cancelled it. I can just see Frank doing that!

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