
Oops. CNN back-flips on Boston bombing arrest.

Video: CNN's reporting on the Boston Marathon bombing was an exercise in errors in the rush to break news.

It’s no laughing matter, but CNN’s reporting on the Boston Marathon bombing was an exercise in errors in the rush to break news.

Can’t help but feel the whole thing is like a scene from The Newsroom (except in their plots they were able to get things right).

Australian news producers, please take note…

5 Responses

  1. Every time a serious event happens the media spouts misinformation, much of it is never corrected. There were reports of 5 unexploded bombs found in Boston and hundreds of amputations (13 was the last report). There were also reports of 100s of possible deaths in Texas.

    In this case it appears that it wasn’t just the media that screwed up.

    A reliable journalist claims that the courthouse was being organised for a hearing for someone who had been arrested and that judges had been organised. He spoke to two judges and two court officials about it. At which point the court was evacuated for due to a bombscare and the FBI and US Attorney said there had never been an arrest.


    We shall most likely never know what really happened.

  2. This is the problem with 24 hour news channels. Until the pokice make a public statement, “no arrest has been made”. Sad news coming out of Texas today too.

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