
Insight: May 21

Jenny Brockie looks at the subject of arranged marriages -including ones that are happily agreed to.

jbroNext week on Insight, Jenny Brockie looks at the subject of arranged marriages -including ones that are happily agreed to.

It may not be widely known, but arranged and forced marriages are part of life in Australia. But, of course, marriages arranged by parents and family aren’t always forced. Some cultural groups in Australia – among them Indian and Lebanese – are choosing to keep the tradition alive, and their children are happily allowing their spouses to be chosen for them. Some people, however, are agreeing to the marriages because of family pressure. This week Insight looks at the grey area between arranged and forced marriages. Australian current affairs forum hosted by Jenny Brockie.

Tuesday, 21 May at 8.30pm on SBS ONE.

David Knox blogs Eurovision for SBS.

One Response

  1. Australia needs to look to the UK which has finally decreed a law that women under 18 cannot be forced to marry. The high statistics of forced marriage leading to womens suicides and marriage abuse from husbands has proven a need to do something. Thanks to someone called Jasvinder Sanghera in the UK, who spent some years providing a shelter for women in forced marriages victimized by abuse, the UK government ha finally listened. And Australia?

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