
Tractor Monkeys: Oct 16

This week Tractor Monkeys looks at our TV history with guests Graeme Blundell, Sarah Kendall, Adam Richard and Frank Woodley.

trac4This week Tractor Monkeys looks at our TV history with guests Graeme Blundell, Sarah Kendall, Adam Richard and Frank Woodley.

More than almost anything else, television has shaped our imaginations over the last 60 years. And as we changed, TV has changed with us.

Tonight we start with a look at the stuff-ups on the very first day of ABC broadcast. This was a time when newsreaders sounded English, sets were wobbly and talent shows were full of barbershop quartets. Then we move through to TV we loved as kids and what made us fans of TV in the first place. TV – interesting, infuriating and inescapable..

8pm Wednesday ABC1.



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