
“What’s going on with Charlie Pickering tonight?”

"Angry" Charlie Pickering leaves co-hosts and viewers somewhat bemused after Monday's show.

2014-08-05_1652“What’s going on with Charlie Pickering tonight? Little too much red cordial?” asked a viewer in a comment read out by Carrie Bickmore on The Project last night.

It followed a boisterous exchange of opinions -which is not unusual for the show based on news and comedy. But even his co-hosts seemed to question Charlie’s mood, following gags directed at regular guest Steve Price.

“I don’t know why you’re getting so angry, just like Steve,” Carrie Bickmore told Pickering after one news item. “Just enjoy it.”

“No we’re very different,” Pickering insisted. “Very different. I’m not like Steve. You take that back!

“No I will not ‘Move on’ voice-in-my-ear,” he told production crew.

“We’re like chalk and a completely different type of chalk.”

To his credit, Price laughed off most of the barbs directed his way.

As anyone who has seen the show on Mondays knows, Pickering and Price make a Yin and Yang that works well together, offering alternate perspectives, gently massaged with humour.

Last night there was plenty of that.

It’s important to remember that here as text these punchlines are out of context (video with context is here):

“You are full of nonsense tonight,” Pickering told him. “Do you know what’s a great book to look words up in? A frickin’ Dictionary.”

On another topic about light globes Price later asked: “Were the Chinese, who now make light globes, in on this meeting?”

Pickering: “Steve you can race-bait all you like but I’m not going to take it.”

After joking that his co-hosts knew nothing about the film industry, Peter Helliar segued, “Moving on….if Charlie allows…”

And when Price was unable to cite favourite Cold Chisel memories, Pickering cheekily prodded, “What was your strategy going into that conversation?”

Wryly he asked one financial expert, “Alright let’s go a little bit morning TV now. Do you have a check list? Something simple we can follow if we want some ‘Saving tips’?”

Dead-pan, the final segment was introduced:  “Welcome back to The Project. City under siege.”

Taking the p*** is, of course, an entirely Australian quality.

But as the comment Bickmore read from a viewer suggests, it’s important to make sure the audience is in on the joke too.

Some readers to TV Tonight even suggested he was “unprofessional” in Monday’s show.

To his credit, the robust-Pickering was entirely professional on more important news stories that the show gallantly includes in its mix.

At least nobody can suggest the show is not living up to its brief, ‘News Delivered Differently.’

19 Responses

  1. Lots of Charlie hate around here.
    I’m going to throw it out there that I absolutely love Charlie – I think he is the reason why I love the show so much – it has definitely lacked that bit of oomph since he left and it’s been so good to have him back!

    He is an absolute champ at what he does, he is smart, witty and passionate and is very good at thinking on his feet.

  2. Yea I’m the same with a few others here, I cannot stand Charlie – I’m sitting down for a news program that is informative, yet entertaining. Not for him to start putting his 2 cents across and getting stuck into people. It’s just something you don’t want to see in an evening timeslot. He does me head in. I wont watch the project until he leaves again. Matt Doran is where it’s at.

  3. I will not watch Charlie, maybe because of a few things he said some time ago, but I will watch with different hosts. I thought “great” when he left but he came back.

    About time we had a new host……Matt Doran springs to mind, or Ray Martin did a good job, Rove I will look forward to but if Charlie comes back again, well I will watch to see , but sometimes and I do not know why but he just annoys me.

  4. Agree TVTALK, I’m out until Charlie’s gone. I don’t want cranky and petulant in my lounge room unless they’re my kids. He needs to grow up.

  5. Wow! what a lot of B/S about nothing, and how quickly people forget their reasons (Charlie being Charlie) for their laudable comments after Charlies recent departure from ‘The Project’.

    I watched this episode, and just saw ‘Charlie’ being ‘Charlie’, only just a little bit more ‘ justifiably testy’ with Steve Price (who by the way, is still sitting at the wrong end of the desk, as his proper place has always been at the ‘Far Right End’).

    I can completely relate to, any deserved underlying tensions bubbling to the surface, given ‘Price’s’ post election ‘silent’ hypocrisy and possibly explains Charlies dig at morning TV, that now provides a new ‘Studio 10’ home for another of Price’s r/wing ilk, along with his also ‘silent’ hypocrisy.

    Was Peter Helliars segued snipe, more of a jealous ‘nose out of joint’ snipe, following his dismal and uncomfortable…

  6. I am so glad you picked up on this point, David, as I watched the show the other night and thought something was really amiss.

    Charlie was in a mood and did not care who knew it. It came across as quite petulant and every time Steve Price breathed, Charlie was down his throat. Steve is an annoying prig, but Charlie really was not having a bar of him.

    The result for me was I turned off as I do not want to watch people bickering. And tonight when I saw The Project was coming on I decided not to watch it again.

    So Mr Meakin, if your intention was to stir up some controversy, all it did was make me turn off – and that is not good for your network right now.

  7. He did the same sort of thing this evening. Peter Meakin playing with what little news he has left to try and bolster ratings? At this time of day, to much talking to quickly, makes you lose what they’re trying to say.

  8. David, I think that this article has given readers the wrong impression about his behavior on Monday night. The argument between Pickering and Bickmore was hardly serious, although the quoting that you used gives it wholly different vibe.

    I was astounded when I first read that quote, so I ended up watching that part of the show myself, as I couldn’t believe that the two could be so against each other at that moment, despite liking and having so much respect for each other.

    I found that although Carrie did make a valid point, she delivered it and he responded in a lighthearted way, with laughter from the audience and hosts.

    Although he may have been edgy on this episode, I would definitely not call his behavior unprofessional.

    Anyone who does think his behavior was very poor should visit the Tenplay link and watch from 38mins into the show.

    1. Clew: Thanks for feedback. I haven’t called his behaviour unprofessional and I specifically led with the reactions raised by the show itself (first by viewer, then co-hosts). I also noted the dangers of humour out of context, and provided the video link. It’s difficult to file a story reaction without citing examples. Agree with your word edgy. They sit well alongside the terms I used about prodding, cheekily, robust, joking etc. I think Charlie knows I am a supporter of his work, but at the same time I do respond to on air content and in this case the show itself raised similar feedback. Also think it’s better to understand with the full episode rather than one grab. That said it’s not a hanging offence, it’s one episode in a comprehensive year.

  9. Charlie is the best thing about The Project… Why is he the only one that isn’t allowed to have an opinion? Steve Price is extremely pro Abbott, so it’s only fair to have a bit of balance.

  10. I really dislike Pickering and his sickening favouritism towards the Labour government. If you leave somewhere, have a party and stay away.

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