
Pushing Daisies pushed to summer

Channel Nine has indicated some of its US acquisitions that have kept everyone playing a guessing game will not be due until summer.

Pushing Daisies, Chuck, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Hotel Babylon and Survivor will screen over the summer break.

This is despite Pushing Daisies comprising part of a free promo DVD in newspapers last February. At the time is was described as “2008’s Hottest New Series.”

Hotel Babylon’s second season has already aired on Foxtel, a third season has screened in the UK. And an entire season of Survivor has aired in the US with another due in September.

Nine will also air Deadly Surf, WWOS Cricket and Twenty 20 cricket over the summer break. Oh well, on the bright side, at least there will be some good stuff to watch -at least for those who haven’t downloaded them.

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19 Responses

  1. I’ve already seen all of season 1 of Pushing Daisies. It’s the best, silliest, funniest show. It’s a pity that the rest of Oz doesn’t get to see that yet!

    Thank god for the internet is all I can say!

  2. How long are we going to have to freaking wait for Hotel Babylon?!

    I may as well just buy the DVDs. I’m sure most other fans have lost patience already.

  3. Typical of the archaic mindset of Channel Nine really. I’ve already seen most of PD’s first season anyway thanks to downloads. They really are hopeless aren’t they?

  4. I always figured that Pushing Daisies was way, way too much of a challenge for Nine. It’s an intelligent, inventive and highly original show, a formula that Nine long ago decided teir brain-dead audience couldn’t handle.

    Those who’ve been waiting – why wait? Download the 9 episodes of PD made before the strike, then continue on with season 2 when it starts up in a couple of months in the US. If you wait for Nine, as Benno correctly said above, you’ll find it’ll get the same treatment as Big Bang Theory – despite it being “non ratings period” it’ll be pulled within a few weeks due to “poor ratings”.

    But please, if you haven’t seen it, download it now. It’s too good to be missed, and way too good for the rotting husk of Nine.

    Survivor? Well, those that really care about the show aren’t about to wait to see the Fans Versus Favourites season in six months’ time; they’ve seen it already, and by that stage will have seen the next season as well.

    How sad Nine has become. They don’t think they have room on their schedule for these shows? When they’re running REPEATS of ER in a late night timeslot while a season and a half of brand new episodes of that series sit on the shelf? What, they think people won’t just give up and download what Nine won’t show them? The days of TV show downloading and swapping being for “leet” people is long, long gone. Even my parents do it now. And no, they don’t give a toss if it’s technically “illegal” either.

  5. Roll on summer – Maybe we can watch two series of Survivor during the break.

    I can see it will be the only time I watch 9.

    Even the current series of Ladette to Lady (advertised as new) is a re-run of the first series I saw on the ABC. First run on 9 doesn’t make it NEW.

    Channel 9 needs to get back to basics. If they don’t support their own shows,how do they expect the viewers to support them.

  6. So Channel 9 want me to download these shows? That’s the only explanation I can think of for this insane decision. Honestly, in this world of BitTorrent and amazon.com, you’d think they’d at least try to make a buck off these shows whose buzz has been, at least in part, driven by themselves.

  7. Andrew, you may as well keep holding off downloading Secret Diary, it’s not worth the effort. Far too light on laughs to be a comedy, and with not enough going on to be a decent drama, I found my attention seriously waning before even finishing the third episode. The occasional naked breast is a small plus, but there are many other ways to see those.

  8. Usually Nine screens at least 1-3 episodes before they dump a series. PD was bumped even before it aired!

    Not surprising, though. I was never sure how Nine would cope with such a layered, intelligent series.

  9. I seem to be repeating myself in these posts. When will these guys realise that their programming methods won’t wash!

    I thought they were with the program when they started fast tracking – but ignoring the writers strike, it still does not account for some woeful programming practices.

    Big Bang coming back I see – too late! I wont be watching – already seen them now. Pushing daisies put back – too bad again – I have seen what’s made and I won’t be waiting for Nine to maybe schedule this. I will source it elsewhere.

    David. I hope the programmers have the nous to trawl your blog, amongst others, for comments, so they can get the feeling of the community.

  10. So yet again ch9 will be more than a year behind the US with a great show.

    SBS is just as bad, we’re getting S10 of Top Gear while right now S11 is airing on the BBC.

  11. I’m really annoyed that Secret Diary Of A Call Girl has been pushed back to summer. I have been holding back downloading the show due to the constant promotion of the show thinking it would be shown after the Olympics. To find this out now, the only reason I’ll watch it when it’s on during summer is becuase it will be in HD. I’ll have seen the episodes by then though.

  12. Another reason for me to not watch channel nine. I cant think of the last show on nine that I watched in full, or at all.

    Treating Pushing Dasies like that is horrible, and we know if it is on over the Summer, the cricket will interupt it most weeks as usual espesially on Nine Adelaide (owned by crappy WIN). WIN thinks that everyone in the state wants to watch criket live at 7pm. PD is the best new show this season.

    I just started to download Chuck, is it not great, but good fun at least. When I was in UK in April/May, I noticed that they were airing Chuck, and it was almost at the end of the season.

  13. Perfect example of Nine not utilising the shows they have. Again and again they waste great shows on late night, or non ratings periods. The list is longer than the crappy shows they have launched and then swiftly axed in the last 24 months.

  14. David – what is WWOS Cricket, is it Wide World of Sports but during Cricket season or is that the name of Nine’s cricket coverage?

    Also I was looking forward to some of the shows that are being “pushed” to Summer – it is sad to see Nine breaking a promise to its viewers.

  15. What a Joke!! I have that dvd which contains the pilot or 1st episode of Pushing Daisies, no wonder nine is no longer no.1 in the ratings, they have programmers there who have no idea about anything, like removing shows from their schedule(Moonlight), Or bringing a show back for 3 weeks to only air the remainder of a season and then remove it again, even after showing it at 12am(Curb Your Enthusiasm).
    No wonder people download from “various sources”, people get sick and tired of networks treating them like nincanpoops with their illogical programming(this goes for the programmers at 10 and 7 also).

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