
Returning: South Park

That animation that just won't quit returns to SBS next week.

spThat animation that just won’t quit returns to SBS next week, set to parody the Jonas Brothers and Kanye West.

South Park Season 13 began in the US in March, played as seven eps, with another block to air next month. SBS will air six of them.

The Ring – 14 September
Thinking it’s his way into her heart and other body parts, Kenny takes his new girlfriend to a Jonas Brothers concert. His dream of taking their relationship to the next level is crushed when the Jonas Brothers give them purity rings.

The Coon – 21 September
Cartman pretends to be a superhero that stalks in the night and fights crime. As “the Coon” he rises from the garbage and takes his place as a lone vigilante who wipes out crime in the town of South Park. However, another night crime-fighter “Mysterion” is on the scene. Cartman gets jealous and tries to duel him for the right to be the night hero.

Margaritaville – 28 September
In this timely episode, everyone in South Park is busy pointing fingers when it comes to who is responsible for the crumbling economy. Randy however, steps forward with a solution. The town gets behind him and everyone starts to live a life that no longer depends on any economy at all. Meanwhile, an unlikely saviour makes the ultimate sacrifice to solve everyone’s problems.

Eat, Pray, Queef – 5 October
Anticipating the conclusion to a Terrance and Phillip cliffhanger, the fourth grade boys become the victims of an April Fools joke instead. It doesn’t go over well; Butters is incapacitated, Cartman is furious and the rest of the boys decide they have to take action before it happens again.

Fishsticks – 12 October
Jimmy is working on his comedy routine and decides to team up with Cartman. They eventually strike gold with a new joke about “fishsticks,” and everyone loves it. Everyone, except Kanye West. Meanwhile, as the joke starts to take off, one famous comedian begins to take credit for the now immensely popular “fishstick” joke, much to Cartman’s chagrin.

Pinewood Derby – 19 October
Building a Pinewood Derby car is the perfect opportunity for some good old fashioned father-son bonding time and Randy is determined that Stan will win this year’s Derby, so he comes up with a plan that will assure Stan a first place trophy.

7 Responses

  1. Will be interesting how the first week of these new episodes goes up against next Monday’s Final of the Farmer Wants a Wife Over at Nine and Good News Week Over at 10.

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