
Foreign Correspondent: Feb 12

Foreign Correspondent looks at the case of a nameless man detained in an Israeli prison cell in 2010 -and the Australian connection.

2013-02-12_0012Tonight’s Foreign Correspondent looks at the case of a nameless man detained in an Israeli prison cell in 2010 -and the Australian connection.

It’s a fiercely protected state secret in Israel.

In early 2010 a man was escorted to arguably the most secure prison cell in Israel. The guards taking him there had no idea who he was or what he’d done. What they did know was that the cell had been purpose designed and built for one previous occupant – the assassin of former PM Yitzhak Rabin.

When word leaked about the mysterious inmate Israeli media began to report and speculate but before a handful of stories were published the coverage was shot down by one of the most comprehensive suppression orders conceivable.

There would be once more blip of information that would sneak out. Prisoner X – held in a video-monitored, regularly checked, suicide proof cell – had killed himself.

Who was Prisoner X and what had he done to end up secretly jailed in a high-tech cell and under locked down under a nationwide media ban?

Now, for the first time, some answers.

In a protracted and painstaking investigation, Foreign Correspondent has amassed compelling evidence uncovering the identity of Prisoner X. It’s a trail that leads all the way from Israel to Australia.

Foreign Correspondent reveals that the man who died in Ayalon prison in 2010 was an Australian. It’s a story that will send shockwaves around the world.

8pm Tuesday Feb 12 ABC1.

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