
Returning: Elementary

Elementary returns in a new timeslot: 10pm Mondays.

2015-02-05_2320Season Three of Elementary begins on TEN in mid February in a new timeslot: 10pm Mondays.

It’s a bit of a late start for a school night. One for the Timeshifting I guess.

Season 2 ended with Sherlock and Joan’s partnership on the rocks. Can it be rebuilt again in Season 3?

In this season premiere of Elementary, Holmes returns to New York with a new apprentice and a renewed interest in working with the NYPD after being fired by London’s MI6.

However, Captain Gregson will not let him resume consulting for the department without permission from his former partner, Watson, the NYPD’s new go-to private investigator.

10pm Monday February 16.

6 Responses

  1. Is there a difference in states? Because in Brisbane this resumes on Ten at 22:00 on March 2nd. It’s also been renamed to “Sherlock Holmes: Elementary” in the EPG, which may throw off some people’s season passes.

  2. Hooray, starting that late might actually see it start on time, set the PVR 10 minutes before schedule start time and 30 minutes after, just in case, Aussie tv is a chaotic and dysfunctional industry

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